《Extreme Journey》 introduce
Extreme Travel"delves deeper into the theme of travel, inviting different guests to travel back and forth between" extreme joy"and" extreme evil"in the same destination, experiencing completely opposite fun, showcasing different feelings about the travel destination, and allowing the audience to understand the true appearance of the place.The program adopts a combination of studio observation and discussion with travel reality show documentary. Park Myung soo, Jang Ji young, Lee Eun jung, and Cho Se ho serve as hosts in the studio to watch their respective travel documentaries completed with their star guests. In the program, hosts team up with their respective celebrity guests to embark on immersive travel experiences to renowned destinations around the world. In the first episode, Park Myung soo teamed up with street dance star Jia Fei to experience and play in Chongqing, China. They first completed a bungee jumping experience that was"extremely evil" for Park Myung soo and"extremely happy" for Jia Fei, experiencing the charm of the mountainous city of Chongqing between extremes.Comedian Park Myung soo and Lee Eun jung showcase their sweet charm in"Extreme Journey".On the afternoon of the 20th, JTBC held a production press conference for their new entertainment program"Extreme Journey". CP Sun Changyu, Liu Xiuyan PD, Park Myung soo, Choi Cho ho, Lee Eun chi, Kang Ji young, and others attended.In an era of declining attributes, we want to know how to increase our chances of success,"said CP Sun Changyu." Based on the success of tvN's"Channae Tour," we have decided to produce a travel program. In 2017, when I was doing 'Channae Tour', the keywords I focused on were 'cost-effectiveness' and' small luxury ', but now, what I see are dopamine keywords. I keep seeing some very scary and extreme things, but I think that only extreme travel routes won't have a good booking volume. So I think if we include everything from the worst to the best, it will be a balanced journey to the extreme. He explained the original intention of this project, which is to focus on how to release dopamine and escape from a free life, rather than money.Liu Xiuyan PD said,"This is not a matter of luxury or cost-effectiveness, but the difference between heaven and evil in different people's hearts. One person's heaven may be another person's hell. In this sense, watching this video together is a good thing," she added.Park Myung soo participated in the"Extreme Tour" after the"Channae Tour". When asked about the differences between these two shows, he said,"In 'Extreme Tour', you can watch it after going to the bathroom and understand it, the process is not that important. You can't help but keep watching. The audience will easily keep watching," he said. Li Enji also shares the same feeling. As for 'Journey to Bliss', it's very interesting because it has spiciness, saltiness, and sweetness, and extreme evil coexists with heaven. I think it has the charm of sweetness and saltiness,"she said.Extreme Journey"is a program that showcases the joy of traveling between" extreme evil"and" extreme paradise", aiming to find extreme people and places hidden around the world that have only appeared on social media. The program will premiere at 10:30 pm on the 22nd.Everyone is looking for: Journey to the Extreme, Reflections on Journey to the Extreme, Main Content of Journey to the Extreme, Korean Variety Show of Journey to the Extreme, Main Content of Journey to the Extreme in English, Introduction to Journey to the Extreme, Journey to the Extreme in English, Journey to the Extreme Bookworm, English Version of Journey to the Extreme Story Summary, Reflections on Journey to the Extreme Reading
《極限之旅》 繁體簡介
《極限旅行》將旅行主題不斷深入,邀請不同的嘉賓在同一個旅行地往返於“極樂”與“極惡”之間,感受完全相反的趣味,展現對旅行地不同的感受,以此讓觀眾瞭解到當地真正的樣貌。節目採用演播室觀察討論與旅行真人秀紀實相結合的形式進行,演播室現場樸明秀、薑智英、李恩智、曹世鎬擔任主持人,觀看各自與其藝員嘉賓一道完成的旅行紀實。 節目中,主持人們分別與各自的藝員嘉賓組隊,前往世界各地知名旅行地展開沉浸式旅行體驗。 首期節目樸明秀搭檔街舞藝員佳菲,前往中國重慶體驗遊玩,首先完成了對樸明秀而言是“極惡”而對佳菲來說是“極樂”的高空彈跳體驗,在極與極之間感受山城重慶魅力。喜劇演員樸明秀和李恩智在《極限之旅》中展現甜蜜魅力。20日下午,JTBC新娛樂節目《極限之旅》舉行了製作發表會。 CP孫昌宇、劉秀妍PD、樸明秀、崔祖浩、李恩智、薑智英等出席。“在內容不景氣的時代,我們想知道如何新增成功的機會,“CP孫昌宇說,”基於tvN《Channae Tour》的成功,我們决定製作一檔旅遊節目。 2017年,我在做'Channae Tour'時關注的關鍵字是'性價比'和'小奢華',但如今,我看到的是多巴胺關鍵字。 我不斷看到一些非常恐怖和極端的東西,但我認為,只有極端的旅遊線路預訂量不會很好。 所以我想,如果我們把從最糟糕到最好的東西都包括進來,這將是一次平衡的極限之旅。 “他解釋了這個項目的初衷,即關注如何釋放多巴胺,逃離自由的生活,而不是關注金錢。劉秀妍PD說:“這不是奢華或成本效益的問題,而是天堂和邪惡在不同人心中的不同。一個人的天堂可能就是另一個人的地獄。從這個意義上說,一起觀看這部影片是件好事,”她補充道。樸明秀在“Channae Tour”之後參加了“Extreme Tour”。 當被問及這兩個節目的不同之處時,他說:“在《極限巡演》中,你可以在上完廁所後再看,並能理解它,過程並不那麼重要。你會情不自禁地繼續看下去。觀眾會很容易看下去,”他說。 李恩姬也有同感。 “就《極樂之旅》而言,它很有意思,因為它有辣、有鹹、有甜,極惡與天堂並存。我覺得它有甜和鹹的魅力,“她說。極端之旅“是一檔展示在”極端邪惡“和”極端天堂“之間旅行樂趣的節目,旨在尋找隱藏在世界各地、只在社交媒體上出現過的極端人物和地方。該節目將於22日晚10:30首播。大家都在找:極限之旅,極限之旅讀後感,極限之旅主要內容,極限之旅韓國綜藝,極限之旅主要內容英文,極限之旅簡介,極限之旅英文,極限之旅書蟲,極限之旅故事梗概英文版,極限之旅閱讀感悟
公元 2024年,由 旅行类综艺 等老师负责剧本编写,导演内详/暂未更新导演负责制作,朴明秀,曹世镐,李恩智,강지영 等明星实力参演的 日韩综艺《极限之旅》,此影片于2024-09-22上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!美剧TV祝您观影愉快!
美剧TV于 2025-01-30 21:56:15整理收录此片,并在 2025-02-15 20:00:35再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《极限之旅》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有: 等。
- 1、请问《极限之旅》什么时候首播的?
网飞TV 影迷: 日韩综艺《极限之旅》于2024年在韩国韩国JTBC播出 。具体的首播日期为2024-09-22,美剧TV更新很快的,基本实时同步优酷视频、 腾讯视频、爱奇艺等各大平台,你可以收藏一下美剧TV网址,手机的话可以把网址添加到手机桌面,跟APP一样方便,追剧的时候就可以第一时间观看啦!。 - 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《极限之旅》?
奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《极限之旅》免费在线观看,极限之旅,极限之旅韩国综艺,极限之旅书虫,极限之旅读后感,极限之旅主要内容,极限之旅主要内容英文,极限之旅简介,极限之旅英文,极限之旅故事梗概英文版,极限之旅阅读感悟,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看极限之旅免费网址:https://www.mjtv.org/voddetail/115856.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】 - 3、请问《极限之旅》什么类型的综艺节目?
时代TV 网友:《极限之旅》是2024年韩国韩国JTBC制作的真人秀类综艺节目。 - 4、《极限之旅》都有哪些嘉宾参与?
哈哈影视 网友:极限之旅由朴明秀,曹世镐,李恩智,강지영等老师真人实景参与制作。 - 5、《极限之旅》评价怎么样?
百度最佳答案《极限之旅》评价很好,我觉得超级好看,首先嘉宾选择的很好,豆瓣和IMDb评分很高!带入感很强!各位嘉宾在节目中的真情流露令我动容,是一档非常优秀的综艺节目。 - 6、《极限之旅》Neflix网评
Netflix最佳网评:我感觉《极限之旅》还不错的,出品方和制作方设计的很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 朴明秀,曹世镐,李恩智,강지영等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。 - 7、很多人给1.0分,所以《极限之旅》真的这么糟吗?